Food Cutting Equipment Specialists
For several decades we’ve been committed to developing and refining a comprehensive cutting range of band saw blades, skinner blades, band knives, and professional knives for the food processing industry. All of our blades are manufactured using the finest materials and precision.

Sanitized microbial protection helps to inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms on surfaces, reducing the risk of infection and illness.

Our products meet rigorous NSF standards for safety, quality, and performance, ensuring that they are hygienic, durable, and suitable for commercial kitchens.

Manufactured with materials that meet strict USDA safety standards, ensuring they do not contaminate food and are safe to use in food handling and processing.
World Leading
Saw Blade
As the largest saw blade manufacturer in the world, we have successfully entered and influenced the most competitive meat markets worldwide. From Australia to China, Brazil to the United States, our cutting range has consistently proven its worth. As a result, the world’s largest food processor has been relying on Starrett’s cutting solutions for years, demonstrating the trust and confidence they have in our products. Additionally, our partnerships with renowned distributors in Europe, further showcases our dedication to supporting the meat processing industry in the EU.
Contact us to find out more.
Starrett Processing Solutions for
Meat, Fish, and Food
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Exciting Possibilities
Watch this brief video to understand how we become a valuable part of your processing world. Learn why our components will have a positive impact on your operations and bring you peace of mind.
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*NEW* Fast Cuts on Frozen Meats and Ice Blocks with Starrett’s Stainless Steel Reciprocating Saw
Cordless reciprocating saws are known for their versatility, making them essential tools in various industries, and the food market has also embraced this technology, recognizing the benefits of using specialized [...]
NEW Derinder and Membrane Skinner
Introducing Skinner Blades - Precision and High Performance for the Food Market. We are delighted to share with you that we have just installed a new production line of Skinner [...]
MeatKutter Bandsaw Blades – A Quick Start Guide
Starrett is the world's largest saw blade manufacturer, and seafood processors rely on Starrett saw blades for their exceptional quality and durability. Starrett Meatkutter™ Band Saw Blades have state-of-the-art tooth [...]