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*NEW* Fast Cuts on Frozen Meats and Ice Blocks with Starrett’s Stainless Steel Reciprocating Saw
Cordless reciprocating saws are known for their versatility, making them essential tools in various industries, and the food market has also embraced this technology, recognizing the benefits of using specialized [...]
NEW Derinder and Membrane Skinner
Introducing Skinner Blades - Precision and High Performance for the Food Market. We are delighted to share with you that we have just installed a new production line of Skinner [...]
MeatKutter Bandsaw Blades – A Quick Start Guide
Starrett is the world's largest saw blade manufacturer, and seafood processors rely on Starrett saw blades for their exceptional quality and durability. Starrett Meatkutter™ Band Saw Blades have state-of-the-art tooth [...]
Maintaining and Using Your Sharpening Steel and Protector: Essential Tips
A sharpening steel and protector are great tools for keeping your knives in optimal condition. However, proper care and usage are crucial to ensure their longevity and effectiveness. In this [...]
A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Knife Sharpening with the Starrett Sharpening Stone
The Starrett Sharpening Stone is a tool specifically manufactured for sharpening any knives used by professional butchers and meat processors. This comprehensive guide is here to walk you through the [...]
The Ultimate Solution for Safe Food Handling: Starrett’s Professional Knives Range with Sanitized Feature
As a professional in the food industry, you understand the importance of food safety and hygiene. One of the key elements in ensuring safe food handling is using the right [...]